For many individuals, the recent economic downturn has meant trying to cut costs in any way possible. One way people have tried to cut costs has been by learning trades to cut down on the money spent on car, home or appliance repairs. Specifically, people have been learning to change their own oil. Though there are advantages to changing your own oil like convenience, there are also disadvantages. Read below to see why it is better to have your oil changed by a professional as opposed to doing it yourself:
Save your Time
Changing the oil in your car is no easy task, especially if you are not a trained professional. To change your own oil you need to first teach yourself to do it, and that takes time and effort. It is much simpler to take your car to a professional who has changed oil in cars before. To change the oil in your car by yourself you also need to set time aside for yourself in order to do it. This would require taking time out of your busy schedule, as opposed to being able to take your car in to a professional garage or dealership that has set hours and are always ready to receive your business. Most importantly, you also need special tools to change your own oil and you must also properly dispose of used oil. You cannot simply throw the oil in the trash or dump it in the back yard; you need to properly dispose of used oil. You will also need to purchase special tools to change your oil. Buying these tools and disposing of your used oil takes time and money.
Having your oil changed by professional garages and dealerships will save you time and money. These professionals are better equipped to change your oil because they are specially trained, they have the tools to do the job properly, and they have methods to dispose of your used oil. Attempting to change your own oil may seem more convenient but the hidden costs of purchasing tools, training yourself and disposing of waste add up. The general ease of allowing a professional will save you precious time, energy and money.
No Accountability for Mistakes
Mistakes can be made while changing your oil; they may be as simple as forgetting to put the oil cap back on, but even simple mistakes can be costly. If you change your oil by yourself then you will have to fix any mistakes made. And if you only know how to change oil then you may have to learn to fix these mistakes yourself or go to an outside source to help you.
If you bring your car to a professional then they are held responsible for any mistakes that they make while changing your oil. Though the chance of a mistake being made by professionals is often minimal, this accountability affords you the ease of mind knowing that if a mistake is made while your oil is being changed then it will be taken care of at no extra cost to you.
Paying for Mistakes
The extra cost that comes with mistakes being made by you while changing your car's oil is also another reason why you should allow a professional to change your oil, as opposed to doing it yourself. If you make a mistake that damages your car while changing your oil, ultimately you will have to pay for that mistake in some way, shape or form. These extra costs can, most times, be more than the cost of getting your oil changed. Or worse they can be severe damages that may result in you needing to purchase a new vehicle altogether.
Save your Time
Changing the oil in your car is no easy task, especially if you are not a trained professional. To change your own oil you need to first teach yourself to do it, and that takes time and effort. It is much simpler to take your car to a professional who has changed oil in cars before. To change the oil in your car by yourself you also need to set time aside for yourself in order to do it. This would require taking time out of your busy schedule, as opposed to being able to take your car in to a professional garage or dealership that has set hours and are always ready to receive your business. Most importantly, you also need special tools to change your own oil and you must also properly dispose of used oil. You cannot simply throw the oil in the trash or dump it in the back yard; you need to properly dispose of used oil. You will also need to purchase special tools to change your oil. Buying these tools and disposing of your used oil takes time and money.
Having your oil changed by professional garages and dealerships will save you time and money. These professionals are better equipped to change your oil because they are specially trained, they have the tools to do the job properly, and they have methods to dispose of your used oil. Attempting to change your own oil may seem more convenient but the hidden costs of purchasing tools, training yourself and disposing of waste add up. The general ease of allowing a professional will save you precious time, energy and money.
No Accountability for Mistakes
Mistakes can be made while changing your oil; they may be as simple as forgetting to put the oil cap back on, but even simple mistakes can be costly. If you change your oil by yourself then you will have to fix any mistakes made. And if you only know how to change oil then you may have to learn to fix these mistakes yourself or go to an outside source to help you.
If you bring your car to a professional then they are held responsible for any mistakes that they make while changing your oil. Though the chance of a mistake being made by professionals is often minimal, this accountability affords you the ease of mind knowing that if a mistake is made while your oil is being changed then it will be taken care of at no extra cost to you.
Paying for Mistakes
The extra cost that comes with mistakes being made by you while changing your car's oil is also another reason why you should allow a professional to change your oil, as opposed to doing it yourself. If you make a mistake that damages your car while changing your oil, ultimately you will have to pay for that mistake in some way, shape or form. These extra costs can, most times, be more than the cost of getting your oil changed. Or worse they can be severe damages that may result in you needing to purchase a new vehicle altogether.